BAKER CHIROPRACTIC,PA is proud to announce the addition of another staff member.
Mr. Michael Henderson, with years of experience in therapy and marketing, joins our staff in the position of Marketing Manager. Mr. Henderson is a Tyler resident, and has been involved in various aspects of Chiropractic for around 19 years. We feel very lucky to be able to add his considerable talents to forwarding our clinic's efforts to help patients throughout Northeast Texas.
Picture legend from Left to Right :
Mr. Michael Henderson, (Marketing Mgr.), Mrs. Tammy Bennett-Baker, (General Mgr.),
Dr. John Raymond Baker,BS,DC (Clinical Director), and Ms. Amy Tidwell (Office Mgr.).
Mr. Michael Henderson, (Marketing Mgr.), Mrs. Tammy Bennett-Baker, (General Mgr.),
Dr. John Raymond Baker,BS,DC (Clinical Director), and Ms. Amy Tidwell (Office Mgr.).