Monday, June 18, 2007


BAKER CHIROPRACTIC,PA is proud to announce the addition of another staff member.

Mr. Michael Henderson, with years of experience in therapy and marketing, joins our staff in the position of Marketing Manager. Mr. Henderson is a Tyler resident, and has been involved in various aspects of Chiropractic for around 19 years. We feel very lucky to be able to add his considerable talents to forwarding our clinic's efforts to help patients throughout Northeast Texas.
Picture legend from Left to Right :
Mr. Michael Henderson, (Marketing Mgr.), Mrs. Tammy Bennett-Baker, (General Mgr.),
Dr. John Raymond Baker,BS,DC (Clinical Director), and Ms. Amy Tidwell (Office Mgr.).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


WASHINGTON, May 22 (AP) — The first birth-control pill meant to put a stop to a woman’s monthly period indefinitely has won federal approval, the manufacturer said on Tuesday.

When taken daily, the pill, called Lybrel and made by Wyeth, can halt women’s menstrual periods indefinitely and prevent pregnancies.

It is the latest oral contraceptive approved by the Food and Drug Administration to depart from the 21-days-on, 7-days-off regimen that had been standard since birth-control pill sales began in the 1960s, and is the first made to put off periods altogether when taken without a break.

Wyeth, based in Madison, N.J., plans to start Lybrel sales in July. The company said it had not determined a price. The pill contains a low dose of two hormones already widely used in birth-control pills, ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel.

Most of the roughly 12 million American women taking birth-control pills do so to prevent pregnancy. Others rely on the hormonal contraceptives to control acne or regulate their monthly periods.

Some nontraditional pills like Yaz and Loestrin 24 Fe shorten monthly periods to three days or fewer. Seasonique, an updated version of Seasonale, reduces periods to four times a year. With Lybrel, 59 percent of women who took it in tests had no bleeding after six months.

However, 18 percent of women dropped out of studies because of spotting and breakthrough bleeding, according to Wyeth.

Still, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, vice president for medical affairs at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said Lybrel would be welcomed by the woman seeking relief from the headaches, tender breasts, cramps and nausea that can accompany monthly periods.

Jean Elson, a University of New Hampshire sociologist, said the pill left her with mixed feelings.

“I certainly can understand the benefits of taking these kinds of medications, but for most women menstruation is a normal life event, not a medical condition. Why medicate away a normal life event if we’re not sure of the long-term effects?” said Ms. Elson, who researches medical sociology.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007



Baker Chiropractic, PA not only is the place for excellent care in Longview Texas, but we also carry a line of products to ease your muscle spasm and pain.

We carry Sombra, a pepper based liniment which offers warm relief to pain.

We also carry soothing, cool biofreeze, the green gel that soothes those tense muscles.

We also carry Transcutaneous Electrical Muscle Stimulators for those patients treated at Baker Chiropractic who may need an alternative pain management method.

And last but certainly not least, we carry the fine therapeutic line of pillows from Mellow Out Spa , Inc.

Please come in at 1420 McCann St., Longview Texas, in the Brookwood Shopping Village, or call us at 903-753-5400.

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Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Truth about Gardasil , Human Papilloma Virus, and Cervical Cancer

The governor of Texas, Mr. Perry, received 5000 dollars (from Merck Pharmaceutical) closely in time to his signing of an executive order, which sought to mandate all young women , within a certain age range, to be subjected to the Gardasil medication, made by Merck.
Perry claimed it was a "coincidence". Others may draw a different conclusion.The Attorney General let him know that he could not legally force young girls to take the He could only suggest it.Gardasil was being marketed loosely as a "cervical cancer vaccine". It is most certainly NOT a "cancer vaccine". It does not prevent one developing cancer of the cervix.Can Gardasil even guarantee that those taking the medication will not contract any of the strains of HPV? No, they cannot.BACKGROUND AND STATISTICSCervical cancer is NOT the leading cause of death in women. So first off, money spent on it could be better spent on the Number One cause of death in women in the United States.According to the CDC, because of early detection, cervical cancer has been steadily DECLINING for the PAST 40 years. Declining NOT because of the use of Gardasil, but because of the use of PAP smears for early detection.A look at recent statistics shows not only is it declining, but when you think about the fact there may be 150 MILLION women in the United States, the numbers of diagnosis of cervical cancer are relatively small.From the CDC we read:"According to the U.S. Cancer Statistics: 2003 Incidence and Mortality report, 11,820 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2003, and 3,919 women died from the disease that same year. 2 It is estimated that more than $2 billion per year is spent in the United States on the treatment of cervical cancer. 3For more information, view 2002 Cancers grouped by geographic area, National Cancer Institute—State Cancer Profiles, or Screening and Risk Factors Report: Had a Pap Smear in Past 3 Years and No Hysterectomy, 2004, All Races, Female, Ages 18+.-->"So, in 2003, less than 12,000 women were diagnosed, and less than 4000 died with cervical cancer, out of almost 150 MILLION! That seems like a relatively RARE cause of death in women to me...almost 4000 out of 150,000,000.In fact, according to the CDC, concerning HPV infection and how serious the infection is (or is not)...their website says "Most people who become infected with HPV will not have any symptoms and will clear the infection on their own."On the CDC website, under "IS THERE A CURE FOR HPV?"they say this, reinforcing their previous statement."There is no "cure" for HPV infection, although in most women the infection goes away on its own."Even MORE importantly, under the questionWHAT IS THE CONNECTION BETWEEN HPV AND CERVICAL CANCER?the CDC says this:"All types of HPV can cause mild Pap test abnormalities which do not have serious consequences. Approximately 10 of the 30 identified genital HPV types can lead, in rare cases, to development of cervical cancer. Research has shown that for most women (90 percent), cervical HPV infection becomes undetectable within two years".Now, read the above statement again...everyone..."Approximately 10 of the 30 identified genital HPV types can lead, in rare cases, to development of cervical cancer. " It says IN RARE CASES...rare cases...get it ?Can the CDC be any MORE clear than saying that in RARE cases it can lead to cervical cancer? I think it is stated very clearly.Now, we have established that it is RARE for HPV to lead to cervical cancer, and statistically, cervical cancer RARELY leads to death.Gardasil is supposed to protect against FOUR types (strains) of the HPV virus. There are 30 types of the HPV virus. Only TEN of the 30 can lead to, in RARE cases, cervical cancer. Gardasil does not even claim to protect against half of those ten. It only claims to protect against FOUR of the ten...although they claim that those four account for 70 percent of the small number of cervical cancers linked to HPV. So, Gardasil claims to help protect against FOUR of the THIRTY strains of HPV (types 6, 11, 16, and 18), and we know that in 90 percent of females, HPV infections become undetectable in two years, WITHOUT ANY INTERVENTION.Remember, this vaccine will not treat active genital warts or HPV-related cancers, and it will not cure HPV infection.Possible , common side effects to women using Gardasil include, but are not limited to:=====>pelvic pain;=====>severe stomach pain; or=====>pain, swelling, or stiffness in your joints.=====> fever=====> dizziness=====> nausea=====> bronchospasm and difficulty in breathingOther reported adverse effectsAdverse Experience (1 to 15 Days Postvaccination)GARDASIL (N = 5088) %Placebo (N = 3790) %Pyrexia (Fever)13.011.2Nausea6.76.6Nasopharyngitis6.46.4Dizziness4.03.7Diarrhea3.63.5Vomiting2.41.9Myalgia (muscle pain)2.02.0Cough2.01.5Toothache (yeah, TOOTHACHE)1.51.4Upper respiratory tract infection1.51.5Malaise1.41.2Arthralgia (joint pain)1.20.9Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)1.20.9Nasal congestion1.10SOUNDS LIKE FUN DOESN'T IT!So, now, you have the straight dope, from the CDC.You don't catch HPV from sitting next to someone folks. It is not like a cold. So, a lot of this hysteria is just that.There is an old saying "Follow the money". Wanna see who benefits from hysteria over inflated claims of the dangers of HPV infection? Follow the money. Gardasil is adminstered via THREE SHOTS.How much does it cost? From we read"Gardasil Cost: It has been estimated that Gardasil will cost between $300-$500. Federal programs will fit the bill if recommended by the immunization committee."From has a chart that says the AWP (average wholesale price) per series is$450.00.Now, if every young girl in school HAD been able to be forced to have been given this medication by mandate of governor Perry, think of that 450 dollars multiplied by the number of girls in the age range.Seems like a good investment of only Five Thousand dollars, doesn't it?

Posted by The Real Truth at 11:04 PM
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Sunday, April 1, 2007

New Workers Compensation Rules

May 1, 2007 marks another negative turn for Texas Workers Compensation. It appears that they are trying, via rules and regulations, to eliminate all "non-network" providers, and force all providers to become parts of some networks, which, means, under the thumb of the insurance carrier(s).

Basically, the people who suffer under these rules changes are:
1) Non-network care providers
2) Injured Workers

The system continues to be "by insurance, for insurance, and of insurance". Lest you argue this, look at the fact that in September of 2006, the independent TWCC was eliminated, and the system placed subserviant to the Department of Insurance. Also note that with ALL the HB 7 changes, the one thing they decided NOT to change, was the unique position of Texas, among all other states, that employers are not mandated to be subscribers to workers compensation, and that Texas, alone among the other 49 states, lets employers not be participants in the system.

I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

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Friday, March 23, 2007


Welcome to the BAKER CHIROPRACTIC, PA blog. Baker Chiropractic is a healthcare facility located in Longview Texas. Our motto and goal is "Putting Patients First". We treat people who have injuries such as those from work related accidents, injuries sustained in motor vehicle collisions, or folks who just happen to have problems with their neck, low back, knees, shoulders, ankle, feet, elbows, etc. . We use a conservative care approach, and this means, we do not use surgery nor do we prescribe prescription medications.

Our goal is to remove the impediments so that the body can go about its task of healing itself,
and thus, follow the first principle of Hippocrates, "Primum Non Nocere" . or "First, Do No Harm."

The doctor ( Dr. John Raymond Baker,DC) and staff, are regular people just like you. We understand what it means to work hard for a living, having to get up early, or stay up late.
Because we are regular people just like you, we understand how cold and uncaring the medical establishment can be. Our office is totally unlike that.

We strive to make our office a friendly and welcoming place, where we treat your health problems as seriously as you (if not more seriously).

Dr. Baker became licensed in Texas in 1989, and has spent over a decade and a half, helping his fellow Texans on that long road to rehabilitation.

Whether you have been hurt in a car wreck and need a doctor who takes a "Letter of Protection", or an injured worker who needs a doctor who is on the ADL (approved doctor list), Dr. Baker and his friendly, professional staff are here to help.

We accept Medicare patients, major credit cards, most major insurance, cash, major credit cards, personal checks. Letters of Protection, workers compensation carrier insurance, and even have affordable payment plans.

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, please call 903-753-5400 today to make an appointment. We are located at 1420 McCann Road, Longview Texas, in the Brookwood Shopping Village.

Our hours are 9 am until 1 pm and 3 pm until 6 pm, Monday through Friday
( we are closed from 1 pm).

Call today and get started on that road to recovery.

Thank you.

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